The school day is composed of AM Form Time and 5 subject lessons, each lessons lasting 60 minutes. It is very important that all students arrive to all classes and registration on time and ready to learn.
Students that are regularly late for a lessons will be noted and parents will be informed. Students will be expected to make up missed learning time.
8.30-8.50 AM Form Time
8.50-9.50 Period 1
9.50-11.05 Period 2 including break
9.50-10.05 Year 7/8 break
10.50 – 11.05 Year 9/10/11 break
11.05-12.05 Period 3
12.05-12.45 Lunch
12.45-1.45 Period 4
1.45-2.45 Period 5
2.45-3.30 Period 6 (Year 11 only Mon-Wed)