Whole School Punctuality Update

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News • 18/03/25

Being on time is an important habit for success and we have high expectations around this across our school community. It shows that you value other people's time; it makes you reliable and dependable; it avoids unnecessary stress or anxiety.

We are calling on parents and carers' support to ensure our students are able to meet these requirements and access their education fully. Whether they walk, cycle or get dropped off, all the evidence tells us that parents and carers have the biggest influence on behaviour.

At Burnage, we are trialling a new approach to support our young people to develop positive behaviours around their punctuality. It will now be tackled using our behaviour monitoring system. This includes punctuality to school in the mornings and lesson time.

A reminder that school starts at 8:30am when all students are expected to be in their form rooms.

Our monitoring system will require the young person and parent/carer to engage with the process, and provide tailored interventions for each young person to improve their attendance and punctuality. This will replace lunchtime reflections and allow us to focus on the specific needs of each young person.

If a young person is persistently late to school, they will be placed on Stage 1 behaviour monitoring. Their Form tutor will be supporting them and will contact home regularly to discuss their punctuality.

We will continue to reward students who are on time, with positive points on class charts, reward vouchers and end of term trips.

Our letter went out to all families on March 14th and can be found here: /parents/letters-home

For our Urdu-speaking families, we have the key messages in the letter translated: